School of Physical Education and Sports -


 Visit to Rehabilitation Center as part of Therapeutic Recreation Course

Visit to Rehabilitation Center as part of Therapeutic Recreation Course

Head of the Recreation Department of the School of Physical Education and Sports, Assoc. Dr. Within the scope of the therapeutic recreation course conducted by Mustafa Can Koç, a visit was made to the Samyeli Academy Private Education Institution in the Esenyurt District of Istanbul.


The term "Therapeutic Recreation" refers to an approach that focuses on the recovery of people through rest, entertainment, and special activities in a healing process, especially for psychological or physical health problems. It can be used for therapeutic recreation, especially in rehabilitation centers, hospitals, or similar healthcare institutions.


In this context, Assoc. Prof. Head of the Recreation Department of the School of Physical Education and Sports. Dr. Within the scope of the Therapeutic Recreation course conducted by Mustafa Can KOÇ, a visit was made to the Samyeli Academy Private Education Institution in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul.


We would like to thank the Samyeli Academy staff and director for their dedication and interest.