School of Physical Education and Sports -


 Turkish National Paralympic Committee's Stakeholder Cooperation Panel

Turkish National Paralympic Committee's Stakeholder Cooperation Panel

Gelişim University aims to act as a bridge between the university and society by adopting a stakeholder governance approach. Today, we are hosting the Turkish National Paralympic Committee and Para National Athletes as part of these activities.
Dr. Hunting, the President of the Turkish Paralympic Committee, is visiting the Istanbul Gelişim University School of Physical Education and Sports. Murat Aksu and Para National Athletes Hamide Doğangün, Bahattin Hekimoğlu, Umut Ünlü, and Hamza Doğan, along with the Head of the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences for the Disabled, Assoc. Dr. participated in a panel hosted by Taner Atasoy. Discussions regarding the development of Paralympic sports worldwide and in Turkey, including the associated challenges, human resource training, and integration of sports science, were later replaced by a decision to collaborate on stakeholder projects. Gratitude is expressed to the participants and athletes for their valuable contributions.